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503 Service Unavailable when deploy ASP.NET CORE 2.2 Angular 7 app in ISS

Currently, I'm working on an ASP.NET CORE 2.2 based project.

So, I wanted to host in IIS, which is on Windows Server 2012 R2 system. So, I followed the following steps:
  1. Installed the latest version of .NET Core Runtime & Hosting Bundle for Windows. Which you can find in this.
  2. Created the application pool with .NET CLR Version: No Manged Code
  3. Then created the web application pointing to that application pool.

But it was not working, and it started giving me 503 Service Unavailable error. The most important thing is, it was not only for this the web application that I created, but it was also for all the application hosted in this server. When I investigated more I found the following error in Event Viewer:

Error logged in Event viewer

After looking around for some time, I came to know that the ASP.NET Core/.NET Core: Runtime & Hosting Bundle (latest versions) depends on Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable.
Even while installing the ASP.NET Core: Runtime & Hosting Bundle installer doesn't tell you about this missing piece.

This took more than 1 day for me to figure out the root cause. So, I hope this will help you guys to check for these prerequisites.


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